I hope you’re having a good break and are recharging your batteries ready for the Quickstep and Rumba course starting next week.
Please note I have had to cancel the Quickstep Workshop that was to be held at Mapperley on Sunday.
Also checkout the class dates for the rest of the year as there have been some changes. I have included the cancelled workshop of course, the Prospect Room and Council House dates, and I have also had to change the start dates of the Argentine Tango course.
The new courses for Quickstep and Rumba are starting next week. See details below. However the class at Mapperley on May 2nd can not go ahead as the hall is being used as a polling station, so it will just be a 6-week course.
Prospect Room, Wollaton Hall
The Prospect Room at Wollaton Hall is a wonderful venue we are lucky to be able to dance in. The ‘Tea Dance” is on Sunday 12th May and is between 2pm and 4pm. There are just a couple of places left so let me know as soon as you can if you wish to join us. I can arrange for pre-paid car parking if you wish. The price for parking is the same as on the day but saves time with apps or at the shop. Just let me know if you are interested.
Autumn Ball
The Autumn Ball at the Council House is on Saturday October 26th so make a note so as not to miss it.
The new class dates for all of 2024 are available for Beeston here and Mapperley here.
Next Course
Quickstep & Rumba
Our next 7-week course
starts in the New Year
Beeston: Wednesday April 17th 2024
Mapperley: Thursday April 18th 2024
Beginners start at 6.45pm
Intermediates at 7.45pm
Advanced at 8.30pm
“The job of feet is walking, but their hobby is dancing.” — Amit Kalantri