February ’24

The Same but Different

The Same but Different

February is proving to be a busy month.  We started by attending the IDTA Seminar in London where we learnt new routines which we will be passing on to you throughout the year.  Last weekend was the Council House Ball.  It was quieter than in November but it was still a great event and I felt privileged to dance in such a wonderful ballroom.  We also raised £77 for Middle Street Resource Centre’s social fund, so thank you.  This weekend coming is the Cha Cha workshop at Mapperley and then next Sunday I am adjudicating a local dance school’s competition.  Also the new classes start next week.  More details below.

Dates for your diary

Another wonderful venue we are lucky to be able to dance in is the Prospect Room at Wollaton Hall.  I have booked another ‘Tea Dance’ there for Sunday 12th May.  We are limited to just 30 places so let me know as soon as you can if you wish to dance in this amazing venue.

I have also rebooked the Council House for Saturday October 26th so make a note so as not to miss it.

Next Course

at Mapperley

Sunday February 18th

Beginners start at 2.00pm

Further sessions at 3.00, 4.00 and 5.00pm

Our next 7-week course 
starts in the New Year

Beginners start at 6.45pm

Intermediates at 7.45pm

Advanced at 8.30pm



